Writing an Obituary

Writing an obituary is always difficult, but it's especially sad when you have lost a loved one. After the loss of someone special in your life, like a parent or friend, this task can seem unbearable and overwhelming at times. The first step towards writing an obituary should be getting all related information and any photos that may help tell their story. Here are some tips according to funeral basics. Step one: The obituary should announce that the person has died, provide their name and a brief description, including any information about age or where they passed away (i.e., hometown). This information should be summed up in a sentence or two. Step two: The obituary should include some biographical information such as birth date, upbringing, and education. The person's accomplishments are also relevant to have in the bio section and what they were most proud of, including anything from getting a degree at university all the way up to being a grandpare...